Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Stolen Phone Rant

Ok, so I know it's not the weekend but I'm a little mad and want to write. Today my little brother stole my phone. Yeah...I know, why would he steal my phone?! He has his own and it's not like mine is anything special. Of course, when mo asked him about it, he lied and said he didn't.

I got a message from a friend on myspace (we'll call him George) earlier saying that he got a text from some guy. Anyway, my brother had given George's phone number to some guy (I'm guessing Blake) and he texted George saying that I'm not who I say I am and all this mess. could have just been my brother pretending to be someone else so that George wouldn't be texting him on my phone. I don't know.

Just irritating that my little brother is a thief. I mean, honestly, it doesn't even make sense to steal someone's cell phone if you're going to be giving out the numbers that they have...especially since my brother has never met George.

Oh well....maybe he'll learn sooner or later.

1 comment:

  1. my momma always said, "once a theif, always a theif."
